Could It Be Your Thyroid?
You’d be surprised at the number of patients we see at the Oakdale Wellness Center who have a weakness or imbalance in their thyroid gland. Your thyroid is a very important gland as it controls your metabolism, which is how fast or slow things such as calories are “burned” in the body.
An underactive thyroid usually produces fatigue, weight gain, sleepiness, and other symptoms. Traditional medicine treats this problem with a chemical and synthetic hormone, such as Synthroid. This supplies a synthetic hormone that the thyroid needs to function properly.
The problem with this approach is that it doesn’t find the root cause of the problem. It merely covers up the symptoms and keeps someone on a synthetic chemical drug for the rest of their life.
The most effective way to address a thyroid issue is to find out what is causing the problem and treat that, so the condition is permanently remedied.
One of the main culprits affecting the function of the thyroid is mercury. This is one example of how an underlying problem can affect any part of the body. With Nutrition Response Testing®, we find underlying problems that are affecting your thyroid gland in order to treat the root of the problem.
Whether your thyroid is overactive or underactive it can produce a host of symptoms.
Symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism include:
Nervousness, tremor, agitation
Poor concentration
Reduced menstrual blood flow in women
Racing heartbeat or palpitations
Heat intolerance
Changes in bowel habits, such as more frequent bowel movements
Enlargement of the thyroid gland
Skin thinning
Brittle hair
Increase in appetite, feeling hungry
Symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism include:
Mental fogginess or sluggishness
Depressed mood
Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding
Fluid retention, feeling bloated, puffiness in the face
Joint aches and pains
Weight gain
High cholesterol levels
Feeling cold, or increased sensitivity to cold temperatures
Dry skin
Memory problems
Thinning hair or hair loss
At the Natural Health Improvement Center, Dr. Sundin tests your body to see if it is being affected by one or more of the five different stressors listed below:
Heavy Metals: Mercury, Lead, Aluminum, Iron, Cadmium, etc.
Heavy Chemicals: Perfumes/ Fragrances, Dry Cleaning Fluid, Petrol Solvents/Alcohol, Hydrocarbons, etc.
Food sensitivities: Fruit Sugar, Honey, Sugar, Corn, Soy, White Rice, Brown Rice, Oats, Rye, Wheat, Eggs, Milk, Cheese, etc.
Pathogens: Virus, Bacteria, Parasites, Fungus.
Scars – old scars on the body absorb energy and act as capacitors within the body.
Clinically, we have seen miraculous things happen when scars begin to heal energetically. Episiotomy, C-section, umbilicus, circumcision scars, and others frequently show up in our testing procedure.
If you are experiencing any of these thyroid imbalance symptoms and have not had relief from other treatments, call the Oakdale Wellness Center and make an appointment today.